Job Analysis: Definition, Goals, and Stages to Do
Definition of Job Analysis
Job analysis is two words that each have its own meaning. Analysis is the activity of thinking an attempt to describe a problem into parts, components, or elements, that are correlated with each other. While the job position is a task and responsibility that will, is doing, and has been done by someone in a certain time.
Therefore, job analysis can be interpreted as an activity to study, collect, record, and analyze the scope of a work with systematically (Sastrohadiwiryo, 2002: 127). So, it can be interpreted that job analysis is a process to study and collect various information related to various operations and obligations of a position.
Thus, the job analysis will try to peel away a position and giving an answer to a question about what must to do, how to do it, and why the job should be done. The result of job analysis is the description of the position and the specification of the position. The job analysis process itself is actually data collection.
Purpose of Job Analysis
According to Gomes (2003;92) There are 12 purposes of job analysis used by the public sector and the private sector, among others are:
1. Job description, which is to identify work history, work obligations, and accountability, and to know job specifications or information about work standards.
2. Job classification, which is the preparation of jobs into classes, groups, or types based on a specific systematic plan
3. Job evaluation, which is a procedure of classifying jobs based on their respective uses within the organization and in the external labor market that is bound
4. Job design restructuring, which includes efforts to allocate and restructure work activities into various groups
5. Personnel requirements, which is in the form of certain requirements or specifications for a job
6. Performance appraisal, which is a systematic assessment conducted by supervisors on the performance of the work of the workers
7. Worker training, which is training aimed at workers
8. Worker mobility, which is the dynamics of the inflow of a person in positions, jobs, and certain occupations
9. Efficiency, it includes the incorporation of optimal work processes and security designs of equipment and facilities, as well as work procedures, work arrangements and working standards
10. Safety, focusing on the identification and elimination of unsafe work behaviors, physical conditions, and environmental conditions
11. Human resource planning, anticipatory and reactive activities through an organization
12. Legal, other rules and regulations relating to the organization.
Stages in Job Analysis
According to Hannaway (2004), there are several stages in conducting work analysis. This stage must do so that the results obtained in accordance with the planned. These stages are:
1. Initial preparation:
There are two things that must be prepared in this case, namely the identification of labor and the preparation of a list of questions. The process of identifying the job depends on the smallness of the company. In small companies the identification process is simpler than that of large companies, because in large companies, job identification can be compiled on the basis of organizational charts, wage payment records, supervisors and so on.
The next stage is the termination of the information obtained in order provide useful results, for that it is necessary to arrange a list of questions whose contents include the status and identification of the job, functions, duties, responsibilities, characteristics, and conditions of work as well as other standards of work performance.
2. Data Collection:
As a follow-up to the work analysis. There are five techniques for data collection, namely:
- Observant.
That is, direct observation of the subject to be observed (employees) during the carrying out of the task. The disadvantages obtained are that it costs a lot, is slow and less accurate. The good thing is allowing analysts to get first-hand information, allowing analysis to get to know the working conditions, skills and equipment to be used.
- Interview.
By interviewing employees both those who occupy the position of employees and direct superiors, to check the truth of the responses received. It is used to find the accuracy of information.
- Questionnaire
This approach allows many jobs to be studied in a standard and at a low cost.
- Logs.
The person in the position is asked to give an information. These logs consist of records that are kept by the executing employee. These logs are almost the same as questionnaires. The disadvantage of logs is that it does not show important data such as working conditions, equipment used, environment and so on.
- Combination
That is a combination of all the above methods to obtain Qualified and trustworthy data.
3. Data Improvement:
From the data obtained and then separated to obtain relevant data, which is then ready to be used in various forms such as job description, job specifications and job standards.
So, here is the information about job analysis both, definition, purpose, and stages that must be done. I hope the information above can be useful for all of us. and don't forget to share this article so that others can feel the benefits. Thank you so much
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